Friday, March 15, 2013


Cologne (Köln) is the biggest metropolis in it`s region (Nordhein-Westfalen) and the 4th biggest city in Germany. It was founded in the middle Ages under the name Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium (CCAA). Cologne is internationally known for its 2000 year-long history, its architectural and cultural assets as well as internationally known Events like the Carnival or the Christopher Street – Day. Its landmark is the (Kölner Dom) Cologne Cathedral.

Cologne always used to be an important City, nationally and internationally due to the religious power that the diocese holds and the situation on the Rhine, on of the main transport and sailing routes between south-east and the west. Therefore Cologne became the biggest commercial trading location in the middle-east. Even nowadays Cologne still provides an important train station in the west area of Germany.
The Metropolitan provides many free time opportunities of all kind and it`s on top of all a university city (roughly 100.000 higher education students) with a beautiful character.
Many big corporations and associations hold their businesses here, additionally many TV-Channels and Music-Labels and one big Football team (1st FC Köln) has got its Stadium here.

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